We hereby discontinue map building for this map.
With patch 1.4 and beyond with Precission Farming the problems on the map became bigger and bigger. -> SO don’t even try with patch 1.4+ – rather play map on lower versions.
It is not recommended to play on the map long term, because the painting of the landscapes can somehow disappear from time to time. In our case it happened after 6 months with patch 1.4.
Unfortunately, we assume that the map will have to be completely rebuilt. Conversions from LS19 maps have no success in FS22 from our point of view.
We are sorry that we stopped supporting the map, but after over 600 hours of time invested in the map, it is enough to see how every patch from Giants makes the problems bigger instead of smaller, or we have to start from scratch every time.
We therefore officially release the map for modification with naming and credits of all already active modders.
best regards puke