FS22 The Mythical Woods v1.0

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FS 22 Maps

FS22 The Mythical Woods v1.0

This is a fictional map where theres is mythical things happening on the map and there is some white orbs that you can collect that are floating in some random areas on the map at night!
The map features:

About 5 sellpoints (all in game products are sellable and platinum edition filltypes also) ps: for Platinum Edition filltypes the DLC is required.
7 fields for any sort of farming
A bunch of forest and empty land for forestry and building (some trees by PixelFarms and Oscar_8599)
A village where you can mow peoples lawns
some people walking in the old village
In winter you can plow snow in the roads
8 collectibles that you can find only at night time
A sheep farm with custom buildings
New filltypes that can be used in many productions build into the map
A mine where you can dig up new materials like coal,gravel,clay etc.

Hope you enjoy the map and look out for those white orbs at night!

Credits: Carl-TG
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Finding a game interesting after investing 300 hours into it can become a bit challenging. But with mods as long as there is a new update is assured, you are guaranteed a few more hours of new exciting gameplay. FS 22 Maps Mods are one of the greatest upgrades and can make your game unique. Downloading and adding FS22 The Mythical Woods v1.0 Mod to your game is not difficult at all - you simply need to save a file and run it.

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