FS22 Multi Tank Trailer NF Marsch Edition v1.0.1
Version 1.0.1
NF – Marsch Edtion with a new logo and a new look, everything else as usual.
You can find the barrel under Tools and Miscellaneous!
If you still have the previous barrel, sell it and get it again because the deitei name has changed from the mod!
The barrel is an NF Marsch Edition in which all the liquids that are on the march are entered.
So you can transport everything that is liquid with it.
The keg has a little bit more capacity because I adjusted it to my needs.
So you could classify it as “unrealistic”, but it really isn’t.
The barrel also works on all other maps, whether in single player or multiplayer.
And as always:
If you don’t want it, you don’t have to download it
Many thanks to Enzo Dino for the release.
Without them I could not publish my mod like this.