FS25 Lindlar 4x advance Beta v2.0.0.2
I hereby provide a preliminary beta.
- ModDesc changed.
- Houses at field 37 fixed.
- Dependency removed (root crops are no longer needed) (Premium root crop production) Field 217 thus free for other things.
- Dependency removed (distillery/winery, as selling the goods is not possible without changing the XML) (production expansion) plots of land can be purchased freely.
- Various requests implemented.
- Savegame not secured, start over as a precaution, sorry but beta status. I’m working on making it possible to take the save games with you.
- Pda will retain Google status.
- This is my first map, which was created in 44 days.
- There are still a few visual construction sites, as well as increased detail.
- The beta is intended to help find technical errors so that I can fix them before the final version.
- Please report them here in the comments, on Twitch or by carrier pigeon.
- The transfer of a save game is NOT guaranteed.