FS25 Automatic Beacon Lights V1.0.0.1

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FS25 Automatic Beacon Lights V1.0.0.1

This simple mod turns on the beacon lights of any vehicles that have them if you are inside of it, an AI worker is using it, or you leave the vehicle while it’s running. This can be used for fun and also a way of knowing which vehicles are in use or still running/burning fuel from a distance. You can easily configure the LUA file to adjust the settings to your liking. The default is full control, which turns beacon lights on automatically for you and the AI, and keeps them on if you get out while the engine is running. If the vehicle does not have beacon lights, the AI will use the hazard lights instead while it’s working.

To modify the settings, unzip the mod and edit AutomaticBeaconLights.lua to your preference based on the following options:
– Customize the behavior of beacon lights by setting BeaconControl to 1, 2, or 3:
– 1: Automatic beacons for player actions only (entering, driving, exiting with engine on). AI behavior unchanged.
– 2: Automatic beacons for AI workers only (on when AI controls vehicle, off when AI stops or engine off). Player behavior unchanged.
– 3: (Default) Full control – beacons on for both player and AI when vehicle is occupied or engine is running.

— Customize the behavior of AI hazard lights on vehicles without beacon lights by setting AIHazardsWithoutBeacons to 0 or 1.
— 0: Disabled – AI workers will not toggle hazard lights on vehicles without beacons.
— 1: (Default) Enabled – AI workers will toggle hazard lights on vehicles without beacons. (Will not flash hazards if beacons are available.)

– Fixed the default in game beacon hotkey not working. You can now toggle the beacon lights with your standard hotkey in game (Default: Home) and it will remember your setting until you leave the vehicle. The mod will resume automatic control when you exit and re-enter that vehicle again.
– Added an option to turn on hazard lights in vehicles without beacon lights for AI workers only. This is enabled by default and can be disabled in the LUA file.

– Fixed the default in game beacon hotkey not working. You can now toggle the beacon lights with your standard hotkey in game (Default: Home) and it will remember your setting until you leave the vehicle. The mod will resume automatic control when you exit and re-enter that vehicle again.
– Added an option to turn on hazard lights in vehicles without beacon lights for AI workers only. This is enabled by default and can be disabled in the LUA file. Hazard lights will not flash if beacon lights exist on the vehicle.

Author: Merq
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FS25 Mods

Finding a game interesting after investing 300 hours into it can become a bit challenging. But with mods as long as there is a new update is assured, you are guaranteed a few more hours of new exciting gameplay. FS 25 Other Mods are one of the greatest upgrades and can make your game unique. Downloading and adding FS25 Automatic Beacon Lights V1.0.0.1 Mod to your game is not difficult at all - you simply need to save a file and run it.

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