FS25 Realistic GrainMill Processing Speeds vBETA
This mod adjusts the processing speeds and flour yields of the small grain mill to more realistic values. Each crop type: wheat, barley, oats, sorghum, and rice has been given unique settings based on real-world data, ensuring balanced and practical gameplay.
Some numbers:
- Wheat: Processes up to 20 tons per day with an extraction rate of approximately 75%.
Best Flour Mill - Barley: Processes up to 20 tons per day with an extraction rate of around 68%.
- Oats: Processes up to 20 tons per day with an extraction rate of about 55%.
Food and Agriculture Organization - Sorghum: Processes up to 20 tons per day with an extraction rate of approximately 65%.
- Rice: Processes up to 20 tons per day with an extraction rate of about 67%.
Note: I got these numbers from how much a grainmill of this size was advertising to process each day and I adjusted values accordingly.