FS25 MB Trac 1800 240hp v1.0
MB Trac 1300-1500 Knickhaube-1400-1600-1600 tuned 178hp-1800 180hp-1800 210hp-1800 240hp-1800 om447 engine 300hp.
This is a mod made by Schlueterfan1977,Gmaster,Nortech1071 back in 2019 and converted and edit to FS 25 by (me) TF Modding.
Added new sound (MB Trac sound) Transmission manual is built in sounds map. MB Trac wheels with hub stars, cabin lights.
and Mersedes Benz sign on the rear fenders, new license plates front and back and beaconlight nr 2.
Many configurations at the mod.